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Professional development opportunity paid summer PD in genetics from The Jackson Laboratory

March 06, 2025

Attention STEM Educators!

The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) is excited to announce that applications are now open for Teaching the Genome Generation 2025, a hybrid - 3 day residential plus 2 days online, paid professional development short course for Maine STEM teachers and preservice teachers. We are broadly recruiting for participants for this program; please excuse us if you receive multiple emails.  

The PD course will be held Monday, June 23 to Friday, June 27, 2025, with 3 days-Tues-Thursday in residence at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor. Our hands-on course will focus on modern human genome biology and will cover:   

The course is designed for current and aspiring (preservice) high school life sciences teachers. Participants will perform molecular biology and bioinformatics experiments in the teaching laboratory. Lively discussions of social, ethical, and legal topics in personal genetics will be woven into all aspects of the course. Teachers will be provided training in NGSS-aligned, inquiry-based lessons that can be implemented (in whole or in part) in their biology classroom. JAX will provide ongoing support (equipment, reagents, and instructional assistance) during subsequent academic years to facilitate curricular integration of genomics instruction. Access to all lesson plans and curricular materials will be made freely available to all participants for use in their classes.  

This year’s course is a hybrid course, with a combination of virtual and in-person sessions. In-person lab sessions will take place on Tuesday, June 24 through Thursday, June 26. Virtual sessions will be held on the afternoon of Monday, June 23 and the morning of Friday, June 27. Attendance at all sessions is required.    

Participants will receive a stipend of $500 for completing the PD course. Accommodations and meals Monday evening through Thursday afternoon will be provided for those living more than 30 miles from Bar Harbor. Participant travel expenses will also be covered, and a certificate of contact hours will be conferred. 

Teaching the Genome Generation has already been implemented in scores of schools across the state – we hope you will join the project! 

Apply now to participate in our 2025 course! 

Application and enrollment are ongoing and will continue until the course is full. See ourwebsite for more information about the program.   

Feel free to contact the TtGG program staff at with any questions.    

Best wishes, 

Charles Wray, Ph.D. he/him/his

VP Education, The Jackson Laboratory

Bar Harbor, ME  |  Farmington, CT  |  Sacramento, CA

207.288.6237 t

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