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Gaming Can Make a Better World

August 11, 2014
TED talk: "Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world problems? Jane McGonigal says we can, and explains how."

Indie Game: The Movie

August 11, 2014
"Indie Game: The Movie is the first feature documentary film about making video games.

UMaine Computer Science

August 11, 2014
A website about UMaine's computer science program.

Tech Girls - Latest Research

August 11, 2014
Research on girls and women in technology.

The Beauty and Joy of Computing - UC Berkeley

August 11, 2014
UC Berkeley course description for a computer science course

Project>Login at the Maine State Workforce Investment Board

July 28, 2014
Program Director Jay Collier was invited to introduce Project>Login to the Maine State Workforce Investment Board on July 25.

Can video game designer's vision, summer camp make Bangor area a technology hub?

July 11, 2014
Tuesdays are veteran video game designer Chuck Carter's time to pull all-nighters at his startup's downtown office above Bagel Central, developing a game he envisioned decades ago.  "Everything has to start with an idea," Carter said. And this started with an idea that?s been in my head for 20 years.  READ MORE

Bangor startup brings technology to children in the Bahamas

July 10, 2014
More than 97 percent of American classrooms have access to one or more computers, according to a study by the United States Department of Education. The situation in the Bahamas is comparatively dismal. I used to live in the Bahamas, and I noticed a real lack of technology there, especially in the Exuma islands said Andrea Beaulieu, founder of CUBE. The computers that are there have become extremely obsolete. Three months ago, Beaulieu assembled a small team of volunteers in Bangor with the… READ MORE

States facing rising tide of retirement

June 20, 2014
Employment opportunities are growing in state government\n\n

Is Coding the New Literacy?

June 01, 2014
What if learning to code weren't actually the most important thing It turns out that rather than increasing the number of kids who can crank out thousands of lines of JavaScript, we first need to boost the number who understand what code can do. ... The greatest contribution the young programmers bring isn't the software they write. It's the way they think. It's a principle called "computational thinking," and knowing all of the Java syntax in the world won't help if you can't think of good ways… READ MORE