Game design appears to be a promising approach to interest K-12 students in Computer Science... Over a number of years, we have explored how to achieve a functional balance by creating a curriculum that combines increasingly complex game designs, computational thinking patterns and authoring tools.
To help ensure that more high school students are prepared to pursue postsecondary education in computer science, the NSF is making a four-year, $5.2 million grant to the College Board?s Advanced Placement Program to fund the creation of AP Computer Science Principles.
CloudU is a vendor-neutral curriculum designed for business owners and technical professionals who want to bolster their knowledge of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing.
The Computer Science Teachers Association is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science and other computing disciplines.
This fact sheet from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation lists 53 documented economic benefits of IT, from jobs and output to competitiveness and innovation.
Of the ten majors with the highest starting salaries, six are in some branch of engineering, including computer engineering, in the no. 1 slot at $70,400 ... the no. 3 highest-paying major is computer science, at $64,400.