Of the ten majors with the highest starting salaries, six are in some branch of engineering, including computer engineering, in the no. 1 slot at $70,400 ... the no. 3 highest-paying major is computer science, at $64,400.
Snap! is a Flash-free alternative to Scratch that provides a visual, friendly programming environment that can also be used as a serious development environment.
As a member of the Board of Directors of Educate Maine, I have been excited and energized by "the hope and promise" of Project>Login. Based on data about job gaps in the Maine economy, this project to build the state's IT work force is gaining traction and champions.
They are a formidable new force in the tech world -- tween developers with world-class coding skills and firsthand insights into the games kids really want to play.
Dot Divas dream of a better world. We?re passionate about the big picture?improving life. Everyone has dreams about making a difference. Computing makes ours come true.