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Maine Virtual Learning Consortium

April 11, 2013
MEVLC is a Maine-based, non-profit, collaborative and affordable approach to helping meet the needs of Maine high school students for good online courses that have strong in-person supports.

About the Maine Virtual Learning Consortium

April 11, 2013
MEVLC is a Maine-based, non-profit, collaborative and affordable approach to helping meet the needs of Maine high school students for good online courses that have strong in-person supports.

LD 90 An Act To Strengthen Maine's Workforce and Economic Future

April 11, 2013
The bill proposes to strengthen the State's middle class and improve the State's business climate by making targeted and strategic investments in the State's workforce.

Summer Junior Engineering and Mathematics Program at USM

April 10, 2013
From USM: A Summer Junior Engineering and Mathematics Program with Lego Robotics Circuit Design Puzzles and Modular Origami for Grades 3-9 will be held this summer at USM in Portland.

Lesson plan: Teaching and Learning Mindstorms robotics with 3rd graders

April 10, 2013
From the Woodside Lego and Games Club: Children as young as 8 years old can enjoy and learn from LEGO Mindstorms robotics, but we found that a focused lesson plan that provides a strong structure ? with focused opportunities for interaction ? is needed so kids (and adults) won't be overwhelmed...

Messalonskee robotics club wins state meet, heads to national event

April 10, 2013
From the Kennebec Journal: Building high-functioning robots, once a science-fiction fantasy, has become a reality, a hobby and a bright career path for the student members of Messalonskee High School?s robotics club.

Will workforce committee's work close Maine's skills gap?

March 29, 2013
From the Bangor Daily News: A specially appointed legislative committee this spring is weighing a multipronged approach to closing that 'skills gap' and developing Maine?s workforce so businesses can expand by more easily finding workers with the qualifications they need to fill key openings.

Media Covers Cyber Defense Competition

March 11, 2013
From the University of Maine: Channel 5 (WABI), Channel 2 (WLBZ) and the Bangor Daily News reported on the 2013 Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition at UMaine over the weekend where 10 teams competed by defending against computer hacking attempts made by national cybersecurity professionals.

Students team up to stop computer hackers at UMaine competition

March 11, 2013
Ten teams competed by defending against computer hacking attempts made by national cybersecurity professionals.

Cyber Defense Competition Trains Next Generation for Cyber Warfare

March 10, 2013
From WLBZ: The annual Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition puts college students against some of the nation's best hackers to ensure the next generation is ready for anything.