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#TeacherCon Thursday Recap by Lisa Anderson

#TeacherCon Thursday Recap by Lisa Anderson

August 04, 2017
Lisa Anderson, RSU 39 in Caribou shares her TeacherCon experience.
#TeacherCon Wednesday Recap by Prema Long

#TeacherCon Wednesday Recap by Prema Long

August 04, 2017
Prema Long, CS Principles teacher, shares her TeacherCon experience.
#TeacherCon Tuesday Recap by Ken Akiha

#TeacherCon Tuesday Recap by Ken Akiha

August 02, 2017 · Day 3 by Ken Akiha
Ken Akiha, CS Principles teacher at Old Town High School reflects on Tuesday TeacherCon activities in his blog post.
Angela Oechslie selected as member of the BRLI class of 2018.

Angela Oechslie selected as member of the BRLI class of 2018.

August 01, 2017
The Bangor Region Leadership Institute (BRLI), an intensive, regionally-oriented leadership development program, is pleased to announce the members of the Class of 2018.

2017-2018 Campus Networking Reception Dates Announced

July 31, 2017 · Co-hosted by Live and Work in Maine and Project>Login
Project>Login & Live and Work in Maine are pleased to announce the fall campus networking receptions dates to kick off the 2018 paid-internship recruiting season! These events provide opportunities for students to talk with IT professionals and recruiters from some of the Maine companies that want to hire them. Why should you participate? Business representatives talk with students about the role of IT in their companies, the opportunities for internships and continuing employment, and what… READ MORE
#TeacherCon Monday Recap

#TeacherCon Monday Recap

July 31, 2017 · by Jeff Bailey
Jeff Bailey discusses Day 2 of's #TeacherCon Philly.
#TeacherCon Sunday Night by Jeff Bailey

#TeacherCon Sunday Night by Jeff Bailey

July 31, 2017 · Jeff Bailey, Mountain Valley High School
Jeff Bailey, Technology Teacher, Mountain Valley High School, RSU 10 is one of our CS Principles teachers. Here he talks about Sunday night of TeacherCon Philadelphia.
MMSA and Educate Maine awarded  Google’s CS4HS Grant.

MMSA and Educate Maine awarded Google’s CS4HS Grant.

May 24, 2017
The Maine Mathematics & Science Alliance (MMSA) and Educate Maine have been announced as state partners to Google’s Computer Science for High School (CS4HS) program. This grant program will provide resources to allow Maine teachers to strive for excellence in their teaching of Computer Science (CS) - something that will help propel Maine forward in technology education.
Tyler Technologies Celebrates 2017 Maine App Challenge Winners

Tyler Technologies Celebrates 2017 Maine App Challenge Winners

May 22, 2017
Tyler Technologies Announced the Winners of their 2017 Maine App Challenge. The top ten finalists of the 2017 Maine App Challenge were honored during an awards banquet at the Portland Sea Dogs game on Sunday, April 23, 2017. 
Program Director Selected for Regional Partner Advisory Committee

Program Director Selected for Regional Partner Advisory Committee

May 22, 2017
Project>Login Program Director, Jason Judd, has been selected as one of the eight founding members of the Regional Partner Advisory Committee.