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New Paid Internships at the Maine Turnpike Authority

January 08, 2015
Did you know the Maine Turnpike Authority develops, manages, and maintains some of the most integrated digital technology networks in the state? MTA interns are assigned to the area that best matches their interests, and then work with experts.

Maine Digital Festival expecting hundreds of students who love Digital on Saturday

December 10, 2014
Join Project>Login at the Maine Digital Festival to see students who love 'digital' find ways to turn their excitement into skills that could develop future careers. The Maine Digital Festival, a free event, will host 250 Maine students, parents, teachers, along with coaches from MIT and, to learn about apps, games, networks, software and more.

Project>Login networking receptions kick off 2015 internship recruitment

November 03, 2014
"You can never get enough experience," Buck told fellow computer science students at UMF on Monday during a networking reception offered by Project>Login. The receptions bring computing and IT students together with Maine companies that are recruiting for paid internships for the summer of 2015 and jobs after graduation.

Registration is now open for the Maine Digital Festival on December 13

November 03, 2014
Are you (or your daughter, son, student, or friends) curious about digital tech? Do you want to learn more with others who are passionate about apps, games, networks, software, and more If so, come to the Festival!

Share your knowledge at a community meeting in Portland or Augusta

November 01, 2014
Are you interested in discussing the computing and IT profession in Maine ? all while meeting some interesting people? If so, please join us for one of our upcoming regional Project>Login roundtable discussions in South Portland and Augusta.

Nearly one-third of all Maine schools hosted Hour of Code events in 2014

October 09, 2014
Over 200 Maine K-12 schools nearly 1/3 of all 550+ schools in Maine as well as colleges, libraries, and after-school programs hosted Hour of Code events in 2014!

What is Cube?

September 30, 2014
Years ago I was able to observe an island in the Bahamas called Black Point and noticed a real lack of technology in place in their school system.

2014 Technovation Challenge

September 30, 2014
362 Ideas. 362 Mobile Apps. 362 Ways to Change the World. We just went live with a gallery of apps from the 2014 Technovation season. Every submission from this year is included--and every single one was developed to solve a problem in the team's community. See the submissions, read their descriptions, scroll through screen shots, watch demo videos, and hear each teams’ pitch here. You can also read more about the gallery from… READ MORE

Preparing Our Students for the Economy of 2031

September 30, 2014
Forget the recession of 2008. It's time we start planning for the economy of 2031.

How to Actively Recruit Women to CS

September 30, 2014
Powerpoint highlighting ways to get women and girls more involved in STEM.  READ MORE