Tyler Technologies, Inc. has announced the details and submission deadline for the 2016 Maine App Challenge with $10,000 in total scholarships to be awarded to the top three finalists.
The Maine State Science Fair is seeking judges! The event will take place in Bangor on Saturday, March 19. If you or anyone you know would like to be a science fair judge, please visit this link.
Funded by a $13 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Maine is IT! is building new educational and career pathways in information technology at all seven of Maine’s community colleges.
Save the date for Project>Login’s Maine Digital Festival at the FIRST Lego Robotics Championship on Saturday, December 12, from 10-2, at the Augusta Civic Center.
TechHire is a national initiative to connect people with tech jobs through non-traditional pathways. Maine was designated a TechHire region because we know: When it comes to finding great tech jobs in Maine, you CAN get there from here.
Educate Maine and Sen. Angus S. King celebrated Maine?s designation by the White House as a TechHire Community at a launch and press event on Wednesday, Aug. 26.
An effort by the local technology community to have computer science taught in more Massachusetts public schools will move forward this year after the Legislature provided $1.5 million in matching funds.