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Register early for the Maine Space Conference

Register early for the Maine Space Conference

February 28, 2023
We are sharing this on behalf of our partners at The Maine Space Grant Consortium: The Maine Space Grant Consortium is proud to announce the Maine Space Conference November 5-7, 2023 Holiday Inn By the Bay, Portland, Maine Early Registration Open through September 1st, 2023 In April 2022, the Maine Legislature enacted and the Governor signed into law a bill to establish the Maine Space Corporation, a quasi-state body to manage the… READ MORE
Join Maine's breakout session at CSK5!

Join Maine's breakout session at CSK5!

February 17, 2023 · Elementary Principals & Educators: Maine will offer a 30-minute Breakout Session for Elementary Principals, district staff, and educators at CSK5, the National Summit for Elementary Computer Science Education.
Register now to attend the 2 hour virtual conference with 30-minute MAINE breakout session:
Thomas Cup 2023

Thomas Cup 2023

February 09, 2023
The Thomas Cup is officially back for the 8th annual event! Join us at Thomas College in Waterville, Maine for an all-nighter March 31-April 1, 2023.The Thomas Cup is a free event for Maine high schoolers in which teams of five students compete in science, technology, engineering, and innovation competitions to see their names on the Thomas Cup and win scholarships worth up to $10,000 over four years. Competition areas include cyber defense, esports, computer science, and crime scene… READ MORE
Maine App Challenge deadline is fast approaching!

Maine App Challenge deadline is fast approaching!

February 07, 2023 · Maine students age 13+ must submit apps by March 31st.
This year's Maine App Challenge deadline is March 31, 2023.  In cooperation with University of Maine and Educate Maine Project>Login, Tyler’s Maine App Challenge provides the opportunity for Maine students to explore the world of software design and development. Created in 2015, this annual Challenge provides Maine students the chance to show off their skills and creativity by building a mobile application. Not only is this a unique way to develop abilities, but participants also have the… READ MORE
Register to attend Tech Night on March 24!

Register to attend Tech Night on March 24!

January 19, 2023 · our event for middle school students during the Maine Science Festival
Registration is now open for Tech Night!  Join us Friday March 24 during the Maine Science Festival when we take over the Maine Discovery Museum in Downtown Bangor! Geared towards middle school students, this event is for pre-teens and teens to come explore cutting-edge hands-on technology and cool tech tools, computing devices, and sweet gear. Make your 3D printed dreams come true, try our AR/VR or code some robots to run a make or maybe even try some programming. Pre-register on Eventbrite to… READ MORE
2023 TI Codes Contest - Submissions due by 2/15/23

2023 TI Codes Contest - Submissions due by 2/15/23

January 12, 2023
TI Codes Contest is back with a new theme and all-new challenge! Gather a team of thinkers, tinkerers, inventors and coders to engineer a solution that leads to a happy planet. The challenge is to combine TI technology and your team’s skills to design and build a working prototype of your idea for a chance to win the grand prize.   Apply today!  READ MORE
CSTA / Infosys Foundation USA Computer Science Teaching Excellence Award Applications Are Open!

CSTA / Infosys Foundation USA Computer Science Teaching Excellence Award Applications Are Open!

January 09, 2023
The CS Teaching Excellence Awards are designed to recognize outstanding teaching by K–12 computer science teachers. Winners excel in inspiring students to explore the computer science field, engaging students in learning rigorous standards-aligned computer science content, and broadening the participation of underrepresented students in computing. CSTA will select at least three K-5 CS teachers and three 6-8 teachers of the fifteen national winners. These awards were made possible by a grant… READ MORE
Happy Computer Science Education Week!

Happy Computer Science Education Week!

December 05, 2022
Project>Login is proud to support 2022 CS Ed Week! In addition to highlighting events around Maine, we are pleased to share events from our national partners including the calendar of CS Ed Week Events and the 2022 Hour of Code Launch. Follow-along on our facebook page for updates from around the state all week long.  READ MORE
2023 Applications Are Now Open

2023 Applications Are Now Open

November 29, 2022 · Apply Today!
Educate Maine and the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance are excited to announce that applications for's Professional Learning Program  are now open. If your school is looking to offer's computer science (CS) courses at the middle or high school level in 2023-24, please encourage interested teachers to apply today.'s Professional Learning Program is an intensive, year-long professional learning program for middle and high school educators who are interested… READ MORE
2023 Maine Science Festival Call for Ideas

2023 Maine Science Festival Call for Ideas

November 01, 2022
Project>Login is once again producing Tech Night with our MSF partners. If you want to present a fun workshop session, demo, or activity that focuses on computer science or digital learning fill out our call for ideas! READ MORE