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Microsoft TEALS Program now accepting applications

Microsoft TEALS Program now accepting applications

February 07, 2022
TEALS Program Learn more about bringing the TEALS Program to your school at Putting high school students on a pathway to economic opportunity through equitable, inclusive computer science. Apply now here:   READ MORE
7th Annual Thomas Cup seeks teams for overnight competition event March 18-19

7th Annual Thomas Cup seeks teams for overnight competition event March 18-19

February 04, 2022 · Registration now open!
Thomas College is hosting their 7th Annual Thomas Cup in person and on campus for an all-nighter March 18-19, 2022. The Thomas Cup is a free event for Maine high schoolers in which teams of five students compete in science, technology, engineering, and innovation competitions for the chance to win their names on the Thomas Cup and receive scholarships worth up to $10,000 over four years. Competition areas include cyber defense, esports, computer science, and crime scene analysis. All Maine… READ MORE
Request for Proposals for 2nd Annual CS Summer of Fun! Presentations Issued

Request for Proposals for 2nd Annual CS Summer of Fun! Presentations Issued

January 31, 2022
Project>Login will host its second annual CS Summer of Fun Professional Development week June 27-July 1 and we are seeking proposals for computer science professional development workshop sessions. Proposals from teachers and CS champions will be prioritized, with an emphasis on increasing high school students' access to computer science. Professional development for other Maine educators to learn from seasoned classroom instructors who are successfully incorporating computer science in… READ MORE
Maine needs your input to help design Bendable Maine!

Maine needs your input to help design Bendable Maine!

January 27, 2022
  The Maine State Library is working with the Drucker Institute to bring Bendable to Maine. A robust learning marketplace, Bendable allows residents of all ages and backgrounds to discover content that is just right for them and then easily acquire new knowledge and skills through online courses as well as local, in-person learning opportunities. In most cases, content on the Bendable platform is free for the end user.   Because Bendable is not a plug-and-play app but, rather, is tailored… READ MORE
The JAX College Scholarship Program - is Now Accepting Applications!

The JAX College Scholarship Program - is Now Accepting Applications!

January 20, 2022
The Jackson Laboratory – now accepting applications – will award a $10,000 scholarship to three students from underserved backgrounds who will pursue a college degree and aspire to a career in biomedicine and/or healthcare. Nominations are being accepted for eligible graduating high school seniors, who reside in Connecticut, Maine, or in Sacramento County, California, now through February 15, 2022. For more information, including eligibility guidelines and instructions on how to… READ MORE
CSEdWeek is Dec. 6-12th1

CSEdWeek is Dec. 6-12th1

December 09, 2021 · #CSEverywhere
How are you celebrating CS Education Week 2021? Let us know how you plan to celebrate CS Education Week this week. Project>Login is happy to share a list of CS resources to celebrate.  We also know a bunch of school partners who are hosting Hour of Code events this week like RSU 25 Bucksport Schools, Ridge View Community School, North Berwick Elementary and all of Portland Public Schools are celebrating #CSEdWeek! Check out the HOC events map:   READ MORE

Governor Mills Proclaims Dec. 6th-2th as Computer Science Education Week in Maine

December 05, 2021
In honor of National Computer Science Education Week, December 6th-12th, Governor Janet T.  Mills has proclaimed December 6th-12th, 2021 as Computer Science Education Week in Maine and has a special message to share. To read the official proclamation, click here.  You can access the message from Governor Mills here READ MORE Professional Learning Program Applications now open!! Professional Learning Program Applications now open!!

December 01, 2021
We are excited to announce that applications for our Professional Learning Program will open on Wednesday, December 1st! Interested in teaching Computer Science Principles, CS Discoveries or AP CSA? APPLY STARTING DEC.1   Our professional learning program is an intensive, highly supportive program designed to prepare educators to provide high-quality computer science instruction. Learn more here.   Computer Science Discoveries, CS Principles and CSA workshops are offered at no… READ MORE
Upcoming CSforALL SCRIPT K-12 computer science pathway planning workshops in Aroostook County

Upcoming CSforALL SCRIPT K-12 computer science pathway planning workshops in Aroostook County

November 05, 2021
Attention Educators, Administrators, Tech Integrators, School Counselors, Librarians and Computer Science Champions!   Project>Login, a program of Educate Maine, and RSU 29 have partnered to bring you a CSforALL 2-Day SCRIPT Workshop. It will take place Dec 7 & 8 at UMPI in Presque Isle. Please refer to the attached flyer for more information and to register your district team.   *You're invited to join us for a visioning, goal-setting and planning process for K-12 Computer Science… READ MORE
Maine App Challenge Announces Innovation Workshops!

Maine App Challenge Announces Innovation Workshops!

November 05, 2021
The 2021-2022 Maine App Challenge is being kicked-off with a series of Innovation Workshops co-hosted by the Foster Center for Innovation at the University of Maine. The workshops are the first part of earning an Innovation Micro-credential from the University of Maine System. More information here!     READ MORE